Monday, September 29, 2014

Cool Down your XJ and MJ!

We just designed and developed Side Hood Vents for you Jeep Cherokee XJ and Comanche MJ.

Absolutely essential for cooling off the under hood heat in your ride.  Check out the video and see how easy they are to install!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Daystar Products Hood Cowl: A Customer Shows Us The Awesome

It's one thing for us to talk about how awesome Daystar's Hood Cowl is -- that's part of our job description - but when a customer sends us pictures showing us how awesome it is, then that speaks louder than any words we can use.

One of our customers who identified himself as "Dave" sent us these pictures for use on our Facebook page.  We think Dave has an incredibly sleek ride and we like how he integrated the Hood Cowl into his look.  Check it out and tell us what you think. While you're at it please join us on Facebook for more fantastic Jeep stuff like this or you can check out our Youtube Channel filled with "views you can use."  

Dave - thanks for choosing not only our Hood Cowl, but our Hood Wranglers, and Lower Dash Panels to max out your ride.

Monday, September 15, 2014

With Daystar It's Always An Event!

Today we thought we'd catch you up on some of the awesome Offroad Events we've attended recently.  It's always great to get out and meet the folks who use our products and keep us working hard to design and develop new ones to meet the demands of the offroad.

Here are some of the wonderful places we've been to and people we've met in recent months:

RALLY VENTURE:  Reno, NV  July 16th
Kelly and Mark just competed in the 1st ever Rally Venture at the Silver State Jamboree in Reno, NV.  The field was full of industry people, Top Ultra 4 racers, and Offroad racers.  Many of the rigs were Ultra 4 built vehicles.  After 16 hours running,  Kelly and Mark finished the course in 9th overall out of 20 rigs.

We blasted through to the SEMA Charity Pinewood Derby car race.  The Team worked very hard getting our 3 entries ready.

• Daystar Silver Stock took 1st place!
• The JK unlimited class took 4th.
• LTAA Truck finished 3rd.

We spent the most incredible weekend with the coolest sand loving, grit eating, crazed people we have ever met. We brought along our Fire Breathing, nitro burning JK just to see what she could do in the sand.


We were presently surprised and so were the fans. We made it all the way to the Quarter Finals before getting beat out by our competition.

Haley Wilson's TJ Sand Drag Jeep was crazy fast yesterday and needed to keep the hood down, so she came over to the Daystar booth at Dunefest, and bingo! We installed new Daystar Hood Wranglers.

We can’t wait until next year!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Daystar Products Cam Can UTV & Rollbar Mounting System

One of our most popular offroad accessory lines is our patented, award-winning Cam Cans.  Designed for offroad storage, the Daystar Cam Can line now mounts to your UTV rollbar 
(Fits 1” , 1-½”, 1-¾” and 2” bars) providing you with a storage area for tools, for drinking water, and for petroleum based fluids.

Cam Cans are easy to install and  can lock together providing you with extra storage that can be set at any angle on your rollbar.  Here’s our latest video showing easily the Black Cam Can is mounted on a UTV using our new Cam Can UTV & Rollbar Mounting System:

Here's a closeup view of the mounting plate:

And here it is mounted on a UTV. Note the Double Cam on the left and the single cam on the right:

Of course, like all Daystar products,  Cam Cans are Made in the USA!

For more information on this, and our other award-winning Cam Can products,  please visit our website here.